The Curie Joliot-Curie Association (ACJC) was founded in 1959 by relatives of the Curie and Joliot-Curie families to preserve their memory and promote the scientific and human values that inspired them. Since its inception, the ACJC has played a crucial role in preserving and disseminating the work and lives of Marie and Pierre Curie, as well as Frédéric and Irène Joliot-Curie.
The ACJC is committed to honoring and perpetuating the exceptional scientific legacy of these illustrious researchers. It focuses on disseminating scientific knowledge, supporting young researchers, and preserving the historical heritage related to these iconic figures. Through its actions, the association aims to keep alive the spirit of innovation and research that characterized the work of the Curies and the Joliot-Curies, while raising public awareness of contemporary scientific issues.